Computational Science


Course Offerings
ECE 510 Title: "Computational Modeling and Optimization"
Jorge More and Todd Munson
Autumn 2002
This course is an advanced introduction to the modeling of scientific computing problems with optimization techniques. Two major areas will be covered: optimal control/design and equilibrium problems. Students will learn how to formulate, solve, and analyze these optimization problems. In addition, the course will cover the required background on the required modeling and algorithmic aspects.
Two new courses were developed in 2001-2002:
ES_APPM 346 Title: "Modeling and Computation in Science and Engineering"
David Chopp
Winter 2002, to be taught every two years.
Teach numerical methods for ordinary differential equations for models that arise in various engineering disciplines. The novelty in the course is the switch from straight numerical analysis to a more application/project oriented approach. Applications will vary from year to year. This year covered simple incompressible fluid flow, chemical reactions, drug level maintenance, and neuron synapse firing among others.

CS 395
Special Topics

Title: "Algorithmic Research for E-Commerce"
Instructor: Ming Kao
Schedule: Spring 2002, to be taught every two years.
Objective: This course focuses on various aspects of E-commerce that have non-trivial algorithmic components. Example topics include mechanism design (such as auction), data mining, network security, and massive data sets. The goal is to enable students to start doing research in this area as soon as possible.

This course was taught in Spring, 2000:
CS 395 Special Topics Title: "Computing on Computational Grids"
Instructor: Jennifer Schopf
Objective: Parallel distributed computing, also known as metacomputing or heterogenous computing, involves distributed resources cooperating to solve a single parallel application. This course is intended to be a general overview of current work in distributed parallel computing. To this end, we will be discussing current work in applications, infrastructure, operating systems, resource management approaches, scheduling, performance analysis, and other subjects according to interest.
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