
Link to my Google Scholar profile.


  1. T. Xu*, A. Taeb, S. Küçükyavuz, A. Shojaie, An Asymptotically Optimal Coordinate Descent Algorithm for Learning Bayesian Networks from Gaussian Models, 2024. (Preprint)

  2. A. Bansal* and S. Küçükyavuz, A Computational Study of Cutting-Plane Methods for Multi-Stage Stochastic Integer Programs, 2024. (Preprint)

  3. P. Liu, A. Atamtürk, A. Gomez and S. Küçükyavuz, Polyhedral Analysis of Quadratic Optimization Problems with Stieltjes Matrices and Indicators, 2024. (Preprint)

  4. T. Xu*, A. Taeb, S. Küçükyavuz, A. Shojaie, Integer Programming for Learning Directed Acyclic Graphs from Non-identifiable Gaussian Models, 2023. (Preprint)

  5. L. Wei* and S. Küçükyavuz, An Outer Approximation Method for Solving Mixed-Integer Convex Quadratic Programs with Indicators, 2023. (Preprint)

  6. H.-Y. Huang, H.-H. Wu and S. Küçükyavuz, Mixed-Integer Programming for a Class of Robust Submodular Maximization Problems, 2023. (Preprint)

Journal Articles

  1. A. Bhathena, S. Fattahi, A. Gomez and S. Küçükyavuz, A Parametric Approach for Solving Convex Quadratic Optimization with Indicators Over Trees, forthcoming in Mathematical Programming, 2025+. (Preprint)

  2. F. Kilinç-Karzan, S. Küçükyavuz, D. Lee and S. Shafieezadeh-Abadeh, Conic Mixed-Binary Sets: Convex Hull Characterizations and Applications, Operations Research, 73(1), 251-269, 2025. (DOI, Preprint)

  3. X. Xie, I. Gurvich and S. Küçükyavuz, Dynamic Allocation of Reusable Resources: Logarithmic Regret in Overloaded Networks, forthcoming in Operations Research, 2024+. (DOI, Preprint)

  4. Q. Yu* and S. Küçükyavuz, On Constrained Mixed-Integer DR-Submodular Minimization, forthcoming in Mathematics of Operations Research, 2024+. (DOI, Preprint )
       - Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) Workshop Student Poster Prize Honorable Mention, 2022.

  5. L. Wei*, A. Atamtürk, A. Gomez and S. Küçükyavuz, On the Convex Hull of Convex Quadratic Optimization Problems with Indicators, Mathematical Programming, 204(1-2), 703-737, 2024. (DOI, Preprint)

  6. S. Küçükyavuz, A. Shojaie, H. Manzour*, L. Wei* and H.-H. Wu, Consistent Second-Order Conic Integer Programming for Learning Bayesian Networks, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24(322), 1-38, 2023. (DOI, Preprint)

  7. Q. Yu* and S. Küçükyavuz, Strong Valid Inequalities for a Class of Concave Submodular Minimization Problems under Cardinality Constraints, Mathematical Programming, 201(1-2), 803-861, 2023. (DOI, Preprint)
       - Nemhauser Student Paper Prize, 2023.

  8. P. Liu, S. Fattahi, A. Gomez and S. Küçükyavuz, A Graph-based Decomposition Method for Convex Quadratic Optimization with Indicators, Mathematical Programming, 200(2), 669-701, 2023. (DOI, Preprint)
       - INFORMS Computing Society Student Paper Prize Runner-Up, 2022.

  9. N. Ho-Nguyen, F. Kilinç-Karzan, S. Küçükyavuz and D. Lee, Strong Formulations for Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Programs with Left-Hand Side Uncertainty under Wasserstein Ambiguity, INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 5(2), 211-232, 2023. (DOI, Preprint)

  10. N. Ho-Nguyen, F. Kilinç-Karzan, S. Küçükyavuz and D. Lee, Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Programs with Right-Hand Side Uncertainty under Wasserstein Ambiguity, Mathematical Programming, 196(1-2), 641-672, 2022. (DOI, Preprint, Presentation)

  11. F. Kilinç-Karzan, S. Küçükyavuz and D. Lee, Joint Chance-Constrained Programs and the Intersection of Mixing Sets through a Submodularity Lens, Mathematical Programming, 195(1-2), 283-326, 2022. (DOI, Preprint)

  12. L. Wei*, A. Gomez and S. Küçükyavuz, Ideal Formulations for Constrained Convex Optimization Problems with Indicator Variables, Mathematical Programming, 192(1-2), 57-88, 2022. (DOI, Preprint)
       - Nemhauser Student Paper Prize, 2021.

  13. N. Noyan, M. Merakli* and S. Küçükyavuz, Two-stage Stochastic Programming under Multivariate Risk Constraints with an Application to Humanitarian Relief Network Design, Mathematical Programming, 191(1), 7-45, 2022. (DOI, Preprint)

  14. S. Küçükyavuz and R. Jiang, Chance-Constrained Optimization under Limited Distributional Information: A Review of Reformulations Based on Sampling and Distributional Robustness, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 10, 100030, 1-45, 2022. (DOI, Preprint)
       - Honorable Mention, EJCO Marguerite Frank Best Paper Prize, 2022.

  15. Q. Yu* and S. Küçükyavuz, An Exact Cutting Plane Method for k-submodular Function Maximization, Discrete Optimization, 42, 100670, 1-19, 2021. (DOI, Preprint)

  16. H. Manzour*, S. Küçükyavuz, H.-H. Wu and A. Shojaie, Integer Programming for Learning Directed Acyclic Graphs from Continuous Data, INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 3(1), 46-73, 2021. (DOI, Preprint)

  17. Q. Yu* and S. Küçükyavuz, A Polyhedral Approach to Bisubmodular Function Minimization, Operations Research Letters, 49(1), 5-10, 2021. (DOI, Preprint)

  18. M. Merakli* and S. Küçükyavuz, Risk Aversion to Parameter Uncertainty in Markov Decision Processes with an Application to Slow-Onset Disaster Relief, IISE Transactions, 52(8), 811-831, 2020. (DOI, Preprint)

  19. H.-H. Wu* and S. Küçükyavuz, An Exact Method for Constrained Maximization of the Conditional Value-at-Risk of a Class of Stochastic Submodular Functions, Operations Research Letters, 48(3), 356-361, 2020. (DOI, Preprint)

  20. H.-H. Wu* and S. Küçükyavuz, Probabilistic Partial Set Covering with an Oracle for Chance Constraints, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 29(1), 690-718, 2019. (DOI, Preprint)

  21. X. Liu*, F. Kilinç-Karzan and S. Küçükyavuz, On Intersection of Two Mixing Sets with Applications to Joint Chance-Constrained Programs, Mathematical Programming, 175 (1-2), 29-68, 2019. (DOI, Preprint)

  22. M. Merakli* and S. Küçükyavuz, Vector-Valued Multivariate Conditional Value-at-Risk, Operations Research Letters, 46(3), 300-305, 2018. (DOI, Preprint)

  23. X. Liu* and S. Küçükyavuz, A Polyhedral Study of the Static Probabilistic Lot-Sizing Problem, Annals of Operations Research, 261(1-2), 233-254, 2018. (DOI, Preprint)

  24. H.-H. Wu* and S. Küçükyavuz, A Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Approach for Influence Maximization in Social Networks, Computational Optimization and Applications, 69(3), 563-595, 2018. (DOI, Preprint)

  25. A. Atamtürk, S. Küçükyavuz and B. Tezel, Path Cover and Path Pack Inequalities for the Capacitated Fixed-Charge Network Flow Problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 27(3), 1943-1976, 2017. (DOI, Preprint)

  26. X. Liu*, S. Küçükyavuz and N. Noyan, Robust Multicriteria Risk-Averse Stochastic Programming Models, Annals of Operations Research, 259(1), 259-294, 2017. (DOI, Preprint)

  27. S. Küçükyavuz and N. Noyan, Cut Generation for Optimization Problems with Multivariate Risk Constraints, Mathematical Programming, 159(1), 165-199, 2016. (DOI, Preprint)

  28. P. Damci-Kurt*, S. Küçükyavuz, D. Rajan and A. Atamtürk, A Polyhedral Study of Production Ramping, Mathematical Programming, 158(1), 175-205, 2016. (DOI, Preprint, Instances)

  29. X. Liu*, S. Küçükyavuz and J. Luedtke, Decomposition Algorithms for Two-Stage Chance-Constrained Programs, Mathematical Programming, 157(1), 219-243, 2016. (DOI, Preprint)
       - INFORMS Computing Society Student Paper Prize Runner-Up, 2015.

  30. A. Atamtürk, A. Gomez and S. Küçükyavuz, Three-partition Inequalities for Constant Capacity Fixed-charge Network Flow Problem, Networks, 67(4), 299-315, 2016. (DOI, Preprint)

  31. M. Walter, P. Damci-Kurt*, S. Dey and S. Küçükyavuz, On a Cardinality-Constrained Transportation Problem With Market Choice, Operations Research Letters, 44(2), 170-173, 2016. (DOI, Preprint)

  32. P. Damci-Kurt*, S. Dey and S. Küçükyavuz, On the Transportation Problem with Market Choice, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 181, 54-77, 2015. (DOI, Preprint)

  33. M. Zhang* and S. Küçükyavuz, Finitely Convergent Decomposition Algorithms for Two-Stage Stochastic Pure Integer Programs, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 24(4), 1933-1951, 2014. (DOI, pdf)

  34. D. Gade*, S. Küçükyavuz and S. Sen, Decomposition Algorithms with Parametric Gomory Cuts for Two-Stage Stochastic Integer Programs, Mathematical Programming, 144(1-2), 39-64, 2014. (DOI, Preprint)
       - ICS (INFORMS Computing Society) Prize, 2015.

  35. M. Zhang*, S. Küçükyavuz and S. Goel*, A Branch-and-Cut Method for Dynamic Decision-Making under Joint Chance Constraints, Management Science, 60(5), 1317-1333, 2014. (DOI, Preprint)

  36. Y. Song, J. Luedtke and S. Küçükyavuz, Chance-Constrained Binary Packing Problems, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 26(4), 735-747, 2014. (DOI, Preprint)

  37. D. Gade* and S. Küçükyavuz, Formulations for Dynamic Lot Sizing with Service Levels, Naval Research Logistics, 60(2), 87-101, 2013. (DOI, Preprint, Instances.)

  38. S. Küçükyavuz, On Mixing Sets Arising in Chance-Constrained Programming, Mathematical Programming, 132(1), 31-56, 2012. (DOI, Preprint)
       - Third place in INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Paper Competition, 2009.

  39. M. Zhang*, S. Küçükyavuz and H. Yaman, A Polyhedral Study of Multiechelon Lot Sizing with Intermediate Demands, Operations Research, 60(4), 918-935, 2012. (DOI, Preprint)
       - First place in George Nicholson Student Paper Competition, 2012.

  40. B. Chen, S. Küçükyavuz and S. Sen, A Computational Study of the Cutting Plane Tree Algorithm for General Mixed-Integer Linear Programs, Operations Research Letters, 40(1), 15-19, 2012. (DOI, Preprint)

  41. B. Chen, S. Küçükyavuz and S. Sen, Finite Disjunctive Programming Characterizations for General Mixed Integer Linear Programs, Operations Research, 59(1), 202-210, 2011. (DOI, Preprint)

  42. D. Gade* and S. Küçükyavuz, A Note on Uncapacitated Lot-Sizing with Fixed Charges on Stocks: The Convex Hull, Discrete Optimization, 8(2), 385-392, 2011. (DOI, Preprint)

  43. Y. Gao, Y.-C. Chiu, S. Wang and S. Küçükyavuz, Optimal Refueling Station Location and Supply Planning for Hurricane Evacuation, Transportation Research Record, 2196, 56-64, 2010. (DOI, Preprint)

  44. S. Küçükyavuz and Y. Pochet, Uncapacitated Lot-Sizing with Backlogging: The Convex Hull, Mathematical Programming, 118(1), 151-175, 2009. (DOI, Preprint, Instances.)

  45. K. Huang and S. Küçükyavuz, On Stochastic Lot-Sizing Problems with Random Lead Times, Operations Research Letters, 36(3), 303-308, 2008. (DOI, Preprint)

  46. A. K. Andreas, J. C. Smith and S. Küçükyavuz, Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithms for Solving the Reliable h-Paths Problem, Journal of Global Optimization, 42(4), 443-466, 2008. ( DOI, Preprint)

  47. A. Atamtürk and S. Küçükyavuz, An O(n^2) Algorithm for Lot Sizing with Inventory Bounds and Fixed Costs, Operations Research Letters, 36(3), 297-299, 2008. (DOI, Preprint)

  48. A. Atamtürk and S. Küçükyavuz, Lot-Sizing with Inventory Bounds and Fixed Costs: Polyhedral Study and Computation, Operations Research, 53(4), 711-730, 2005. (DOI, Preprint)

Book Chapters

  1. S. Küçükyavuz and Q. Yu*, Mixed-Integer Programming Approaches to Generalized Submodular Optimization and its Applications, INFORMS TutORials in Operations Research (eds. E. Bish and H. Balasubramanian), 1-30, 2023. (DOI, Preprint)

  2. S. Küçükyavuz and S. Sen, An Introduction to Two-Stage Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming, INFORMS TutORials in Operations Research (eds. R. Batta and J. Peng), 1-27, 2017. (DOI, Preprint)

  3. D. Gade* and S. Küçükyavuz, Pure Cutting Plane Algorithms and Their Convergence, Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (ed. J. J. Cochran), 2013. (DOI, Preprint)

  4. S. Küçükyavuz, Mixed-Integer Optimization Approaches to Deterministic and Stochastic Inventory Management, INFORMS TutORials in Operations Research, (ed. J. Geunes), 90-105, 2011. (DOI, Preprint)

Conference Proceedings

  1. J. Hambleton, A. Nally and S. Küçükyavuz, Optimal Test Methods for Determining Material Parameters, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 389-394, 2022.

  2. L. Wei*, A. Gomez and S. Küçükyavuz, On the Convexification of Constrained Quadratic Optimization Problems with Indicator Variables, In: D. Bienstock, G. Zambelli (eds), Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, IPCO 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12125, 433-447, Springer, Cham, 2020. (DOI, Preprint)

  3. S. Goel* and S. Küçükyavuz, Dynamic Probabilistic Lot Sizing with Service Levels, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Lot Sizing, 2011.

  4. S. Küçükyavuz and D. Gade*, Algorithms and Strong Formulations for Production Planning with Service Level Constraints, Proceedings of the NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, 2011.

  5. S. Küçükyavuz, Mixed-Integer Optimization for Production Planning Under Uncertainty, Proceedings of the NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, 2009.


  1. P. Liu, S. Fattahi, A. Gomez and S. Küçükyavuz, Research Highlight: A Graph-based Decomposition Method for Convex Quadratic Optimization with Indicators INFORMS Computing Society Newsletter, February 2025.


  1. United States Patent, US8745265, Interconnection Fabric Connection, J.W. Drew, J. Wilkes, C. O'Toole, D. Hagerman and S. Küçükyavuz, 2014.

* Post-doc/Ph.D./M.Sc. advisee