Costs and RHS stochastic, time dependent scenarios.
The only problems not arbitrarily created from those with only RHS
stochasticity are the SGPF problems submitted courtesy of Prof. Karl
Frauendorfer. The SGPF problems arise from a portfolio management
application approximated with his discrete barycentric approximation
system. (Frauendorfer, 1992).
There is a set of small size problems and a set of large size problems
publicly available. Due to their excessive size, only the smaller set
will be used. The problems in the set and their filenames are given
in the table below.
Stages Scenarios Cor Time STOCH
3 25 sgpf3y3.cor sgpf3y3.tim sgpf3y3.sce
4 125 sgpf3y4.cor sgpf3y4.tim sgpf3y4.sce
5 625 sgpf3y5.cor sgpf3y5.tim sgpf3y5.sce
6 3125 sgpf3y6.cor sgpf3y6.tim sgpf3y6.sce
RHS random: Finding feasibility
The most tightly constrained problem in the test set is SCFXM1, which
is tightly coupled in at least the first few stages. (See note below)
The problem first appeared in Ho and Loute.
There are 2,3, and 4 stage versions of this problem, and 2 and 16 scenarios
per stage STOCH versions. The problems and their descriptions are given
Stages Scens/stage Cor Time STOCH
2 6 fxm.cor fxm2.tim fxm2_6.sto
16 fxm2_16.sto
3 6 fxm.cor fxm3.tim fxm3_6.sto
16 fxm3_16.sto
4 6 fxm.cor fxm4.tim fxm4_6.sto
16 fxm4_16.sto
Note: The period partitions in the core file are different from those
originally used in Gassman 1988. The original fxm file from the
netlib test set was partitioned so as to have roughly equal size
RHS random: A moderate number of optimal bases.
A problem with a relatively few number of optimal second stage bases
is the PLTEXP problem (Sims), which is the linear relaxation of a stochastic
capacity expansion problem. The problem is extendable to an arbitrary
number of stages and an arbitrary number of scenarios.
Thick tree version.
This test set has either 6 or 16 scenarios per stage. The associated
file names are shown below
Stages Scens/stage Cor Time STOCH
2 6 pltexpA2.cor pltexpA2.tim pltexpA2_6.sto
16 pltexpA2_16.sto
3 6 pltexpA3.cor pltexpA3.tim pltexpA3_6.sto
16 pltexpA3_16.sto
4 6 pltexpA4.cor pltexpA4.tim pltexpA4_6.sto
16 pltexpA4_16.sto
5 6 pltexpA5.cor pltexpA5.tim pltexpA5_6.sto
16 pltexpA5_16.sto
6 6 pltexpA6.cor pltexpA6.tim pltexpA6_6.sto
Thin tree version.
This test set has 6 scenarios in the first stage, and
two scenarios per stage thereafter. These problems are provided
as a contrast with those in (4.1), and may show results less
dependent on subproblem solution.
Stages Scens in Stg 2 Cor Time STOCH
3 6 pltexpA3.cor pltexpA3.tim pltexpB3_6.sto
4 6 pltexpA4.cor pltexpA4.tim pltexpB4_6.sto
5 6 pltexpA5.cor pltexpA5.tim pltexpB5_6.sto
RHS random: Huge number of optimal bases.
Due to its size and the high dimension of its support, STORM (Mulvey and
Ruszczy/'{n}ski, 1992) is a problem well known for its difficulty. The
problem as originally received was a very large two-stage only problem,
with dim (Supp) = 118. Prof. H.I. Gassmann modified the model
by enforcing some dependence among the RHSs. These instantiations
form the basis of this test set. However, in the spirit of the
original model, the smaller two-stage model has extended to include
up to 1000 scenarios.
Stages Scenarios Cor Time STOCH
2 8 stormG2.cor stormG2.tim stormG2_8.sto
27 stormG2_27.sto
125 stormG2_125.sto
1000 stormG2_1000.sto
References (please excuse the varied styles)
- J. R. Birge, M.A.H. Dempster, H. I. Gassman, E. A.
Gunn, A. J. King, and S. W. Wallace, 1987. ``A Standard forinput format for
multiperiod stochastic linear programs,'' COAL newsletter, 17, pp. 1-20.
- K. Frauendorfer,
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems No 392,
Stochastic Two-Stage Programming (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993).
- H. I. Gassman, 1990. ``MSLiP: A computer code for the
multistage stochastic linear programming problem.''
Mathematical Programming, 47, pp. 407-423.
- J. K. Ho, 1975. ``Optimal Design of Multistage Structures:
A Nested Decomposition Approach,'' Computers and Structures, Vol. 5,
pp 249-255.
- M. J. Sims, 1992. ``Use of a stochastic capacity planning
model to find the optimal level of flexibility for a manufacturing system,''
Senior Design Project, Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
- J. M. Mulvey, and A. Ruszczynski, 1992. ``A New
Scenario Decomposition Method for Large Scale Stochastic Optimization,''
Technical Report SOR-91-19, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Operations
Research, Princeton Univ. Princeton, N.J. 08544
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Problem sizes and solutions
This table describes the characteristics of the stochasticity for
each problem, as well as the size of the Deterministic Equivalent
and the optimal objective value.
Det. Equiv.
Problem Stages Scen/Stage Rows Columns Total Scen. Opt. Obj. Value
pltexpA2_6 2 6 686 1856 6 -9.479354
pltexpA2_16 2 16 1726 4636 16 -9.663308
pltexpA3_6 3 6 4430 11864 36 -13.969368
pltexpA3_16 3 16 28350 75804 256 -14.267458
pltexpA4_6 4 6 26894 71912 216 -19.599417
pltexpA4_16 4 16 454334 1214492 4096 -18.849337
pltexpA5_6 5 6 161678 432200 1296 -23.214073
pltexpA6_6 5 6 970382 2593928 7776 -28.134408
pltexpB3_6 3 6+1+1 6 -13.643226
pltexpB4_6 3 6+1+1+1 6 -17.928191
pltexpB5_6 3 6+1+1+1+1 6 -23.846166
fxm2.6 2 6 780 1047 6 18416.686
fxm2.16 2 16 1680 2227 16 18416.655
fxm3.6 3 6 4020 5295 36 18615.932
fxm3.16 3 16 24720 32435 256 18438.891
fxm4.6 4 6 23460 30783 216 18616.224
fxm4.16 4 16 393360 515763 4096 18438.891
stormG2.8 2 8 2985 11456 8 15535231.897
stormG2.27 2 27 9635 37809 27 15508982.306
stormG2.125 2 125 43935 173735 125 15512090.180
stormG2.1000 2 1000 350185 1387360 1000 15802589.698
sgpf3y3 3 5 1220 1595 25 -2967.917
sgpf3y4 4 5 6097 7974 125 -3994.198
sgpf3y5 5 5 30487 39868 625 -5172.165
sgpf3y6 6 5 152434 199341 3125 -6463.323
sgpf5y3 3 5 1282 1342 25 -3027.706
sgpf5y4 4 5 5657 5726 125 -4031.391
sgpf5y5 5 5 24407 24476 625 -5201.282
sgpf5y6 6 5 246077 308733 3125 -6479.614
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