Professional Experience
Amazon, Seattle, WA
- Research Scentist, Sep 2014
Supply Chain Optimization Technologies (SCOT)
Joint Inventory and Revenue Management with Removal Decisions
A. Maggiar, A. Sadighian
Under Review (2017)
Tech Report
Murex, Paris, France
- Financial Engineer, Nov 2009-March 2010
- Master’s research project, May-Sep 2009
Study of a constrained portfolio optimization problem using the Black-Litterman model.
Responsible for the revision and improvement of a pre-existent portfolio optimizer and for writing its documentation.
- Intern, Summer 2008
Created a tool for the application of new rules regarding misrepresentations and the analysis of the consequences thereof.
Responsible for modelling the resource needs in function of the incoming workload.
- Intern, Summer 2007
Assisted on different financial audit by compiling and analysing data.
Valeo, Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany
- Worker, Feb-March 2007
Industrial experience as a worker on a wiper blades production chain.
Aventis, Antony, France
- Intern, Summer 2003
Assisted on the elaboration of the semester business plan by analysing sales data.
Mines Services, Junior Enterprise of the Mines de Nancy, treasurer, 2007-2008
INFORMS Northwestern student chapter, board member, 2013-2014