Professor William J. White
Department of Industrial Engineering& Management Sciences
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3119
Page Map
- Education
- Research and Teaching Interests
- Publications and Books
- Working Papers and Software
- Courses
Research and Teaching Interests
- Behavior Based Leadership
- Industrial Psychology/Organizational Behavior
- Engineering Entrepreneurship
Publications and Books
W.J. White et al. 1965. "Creative Collective Bargaining," Prentice Hall.
Working Papers and Software
- Currently conducting a survey to identify behaviors of effective CEOs.The study is designed and executed by undergraduate students using theInternet to identify the actual behaviors of the top managers oflarge public companies. Statistical regression analysis of the resultswill be done to determine if there is a correlation between thebehaviors of the leaders of high performing companies and if thesebehaviors are different from those of the leaders of lesser performing organizations.
Northwestern Courses
Short Courses