L. Nelson (DMI-0217690)
Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208
John Fowler
Arizona State University
Gerald Mackulak
Arizona State University
Jennifer Bekki, Assistant Professor, ASU Polytechnic
Rachel Johnson, Undergraduate Honors student, NU, PhD student ASU
Richard Abelson, MS Student, ASU
Kevin Roche, Undergraduate Student, ASU
John Marquis, Undergraduate Honors Student, ASU
Carl Allen, Undergraduate Honors student, NU
Hong Wan, Bruce Ankenman and Barry L. Nelson. 2003. "Controlled Sequential Bifurcation," INFORMS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Feng Yang, Bruce Ankenman and Barry L. Nelson. 2003. "Efficient Generation of Cycle Time-Throughput (CT-TH) Curves through Simulation and Metamodeling," INFORMS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Bruce Ankenman, John Fowler, Gerald Mackulak and Barry L. Nelson. 2003. "Procedures for Efficient Cycle Time-Throughput (CT-TH) Curve Generation" INFORMS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Bruce Ankenman, Feng Yang and Barry L. Nelson. 2003. "Modeling the Mean and Variance of Product Cycle Time using a Discrete-Event Simulation Model of a Manufacturing Facility," International Conference on Statistics, Combinatorics and Related Areas, University of South Maine, Portland, Maine.
Bruce Ankenman, John Fowler, Gerald Mackulak and Barry L. Nelson. 2003. "Collaborative Research: Procedures for Efficient Cycle Time-Throughput Curve Generation", Proceedings of the NSF Grantees Conference, 878-884.
Hong Wan, Bruce Ankenman and Barry L. Nelson. 2003. "Controlled Sequential Birfurcation: A New Factor-Screening Method for Discrete-Event Simulation,"Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, 565-573.
Carl Allen. 2003. "The Impact of Network Topology on Rational-Function Models of the Cycle Time-Throughput Curve," Honors Thesis, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences, Northwestern University.
Rachel Johnson. 2003. "Non-Linear Regression Fits for Cycle Time vs. Throughput Curves using Two Data Sets from Actual Semiconductor Manufacturing Facilities," Research Report, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences, Northwestern University.
Jennifer E. McNeill, Gerald Mackulak, John W. Fowler and Barry L. Nelson. 2003. "Indirect Cycle Time Quantile Estimation using the Cornish-Fisher Expansion," IIE Transactions, under review.
R. T. Johnson, F. Yang, B. E. Ankenman and B. L. Nelson, "Nonlinear Regression Fits for Simulated Cycle Time vs. Throughput Curves for Semiconductor Manufacturing," 2004 Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings, 1951-1955.
J. Fowler, B. Ankenman, G. Mackulak and B. L. Nelson, 2004, "Procedures for Efficient Cycle Time-Throughput (CT-TH) Curve Generation," Informs National Meeting, Denver, CO.
J. McNeill, J. Fowler, G. Mackulak and B. L. Nelson, 2004, "Indirect Estimation of Cycle Time Quantiles from Discrete Event Simulation," Informs National Meeting, Denver, CO.
R. Johnson, J. Fowler, S. Lach and G. Mackulak, 2004, "Variance-Based Cycle Time - Throughput Confidence Intervals," Informs National Meeting, Denver, CO.
G. Mackulak, B. Ankenman, J. Fowler and B. L. Nelson, 2004, "Multi-product Cycle Time and Throughput Evaluation via Simulation on Demand," Informs National Meeting, Denver, CO.
F. Yang, B. E. Ankenman and B. L. Nelson, "Estimation of Percentiles of Cycle Time in Manufacturing Simulation," Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference.
Jennifer E. McNeill, John W. Fowler, Gerald Mackulak, and Barry L. Nelson, "Cycle-Time Quantile Estimation in Manufacturing Systems", Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference.
Feng Yang, Bruce Ankenman and Barry L. Nelson. 2007. "Efficient Generation of Cycle Time-Throughput Curves through Simulation and Metamodeling," Naval Research Logistics 54, 78-93.
Bruce Ankenman, John Fowler, Gerald Mackulak and Barry L. Nelson. 2004. "Collaborative Research: Procedures for Efficient Cycle Time-Throughput Curve Generation," Proceedings of the NSF Grantees Conference.
Hong Wan, Bruce Ankenman and Barry L. Nelson. 2006. "Controlled Sequential Birfurcation: A New Factor-Screening Method for Discrete-Event Simulation," Operations Research 54, 743-755.
Jennifer McNeill, Gerald Mackulak, John Fowler, "Indirect Estimation of Cycle Time Quantiles from Discrete Event Simulation Models using the Cornish-Fisher Expansion", Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 7-10, 2003, pp. 1377-1382
Gerald Mackulak, John Fowler, Sungmin Park, Jennifer McNeill. 2005. "A Three Phase Simulation Methodology for Generating Accurate and Precise Cycle Time- Throughput Curves", accepted by International Journal of Simulation and Process Modeling 1, 35-48.
Kevin Roche. 2003. "Testing the Fit of Cycle Time Data to Known Distributions," Research Report, Department of Industrial Engineering, Arizona State University
J. W. Fowler, S. E. Leach, G. T. Mackulak and B. L. Nelson. 2008. "Variance-based Sampling for Simulating Cycle Time Throughput Curves using Simulation-based Estimates," Journal of Simulation 2, 69-80.
Feng Yang, Bruce E. Ankenman and Barry L. Nelson. 2007. "Cycle Time Percentile Curves for Manufacturing Systems," INFORMS Journal on Computing, forthcoming.
Hong Wan, Bruce Ankenman and Barry L. Nelson. 2007. Simulation Factor Screening with Controlled Sequential Bifurcation in the Presence of Interactions," INFORMS Journal on Computing, under review.
F. Yang, J. Liu, B. L. Nelson, B. E. Ankenman and M. Tongarlak, "Metamodeling for Cycle Time-Throughput-Product Mix Surfaces using Progressive Model Fitting," under review for Production Planning and Control.
B. Ankenman, B. L. Nelson, M. Tongarlak, J. Fowler, G. Mackulak, and D. Pabst, Cycle Time Prediction for Semiconductor Manufacturing via Simulation on Demand," Working Paper, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences (2008), Northwestern University.