Copyright 1996 (c) by Marne C. Cario and Barry L. Nelson ********************** ARTA PROGRAM HELP FILE ********************** Marne C. Cario Updates: 1/3/96, 1/17/96, 2/12/96 The ARTA program consists of a series of Fortran subroutines which implement the theory in Cario and Nelson [1]. The program performs two different functions. First, given an empirical time series, the program calculates the sample average, sample variance, and sample autocorrelations up to a user-specified lag. Second, given a marginal distribution along with a finite number of autocorrelations to match and their respective desired relative errors, the program outputs the parameters of the AR process that result in an ARTA process with the desired properties. ************* PROGRAM INPUT ************* The main input for the ARTA program is in the user-created file "input.dat". The format of input.dat is: Line 1: Name of the file to which program output will go (Not to exceed ten characters) Line 2: 0 if the user does not want the ARTA program to read an empirical time series and calculate sample statistics 1 if the user does want the ARTA program to read an empirical time series and calculate sample statistics If the value on Line 2 is 1, then Line 3: number of observations in the empirical time series Line 4: number of sample autocorrelations to calculate (currently, not to exceed 20). In addition, the user must create a file called "tsdata.dat", which contains the observations from the empirical time series. The ARTA program will read the observations from this file using a free format. No other input is required for this option. If the value on Line 2 is 0, then Line 3: ARTA marginal distribution 1 = Normal 2 = Student's t 3 = Continuous Uniform 4 = Exponential 5 = Gamma 6 = Weibull 7 = Lognormal 8 = Johnson Unbounded 9 = Johnson Bounded 10 = Empirical 11 = Discrete Distribution with Finite Support Line 4: Number of autocorrelation lags to match (p) (currently, not to exceed 5) Next 2p lines: Lag-1 autocorrelation (a.c.) Desired relative error for lag-1 a.c. (e.g., 0.05 for no more than 5% relative error) Lag-2 a.c.. Desired relative error for lag-2 a.c. . . . Lag-p a.c. Desired relative error for lag-p a.c. Next lines: Parameters of the ARTA marginal distribution All non-integer parameters are read in using an f10.5 format (5 places before and after the decimal). All integer parameters are read in using an i4 format (four places, no decimal point). Distribution Parameters (in order) ************ ********************* 1 (Normal) mean variance (must be > 0) 2 (Student's t) degrees of freedom (must be an integer > 2) 3 (Cont. Uniform) left endpoint right endpoint 4 (Exponential) rate parameter (must be > 0) 5 (Gamma) scale parameter (must be > 0) shape parameter (must be > 0) 6 (Weibull) scale parameter (must be > 0) shape parameter (must be > 0) 7 (Lognormal) mean variance 8 (Johnson Unb.) first shape parameter second shape parameter location parameter scale parameter (as given in Swain, Venkatraman, and Wilson [2]) 9 (Johnson Bnd.) first shape parameter second shape parameter location parameter scale parameter (as given in Swain, Venkatraman, and Wilson [2]) 10 (Empirical) number of points in cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) (currently, not to exceed 300 points) 11 (Discrete) number of points in probability mass function (currently, not to exceed 300 points) first value of mass function probability of first value second value of mass function probability of second value . . . final value of mass function probability of second value If the ARTA marginal distribution is an empirical c.d.f., then the user must create a file "empir.dat" containing the breakpoints of the empirical c.d.f. The ARTA program reads the observations using a free format, and does not assume that they are in ascending order. No other user input is required for this option. ************** PROGRAM OUTPUT ************** The ARTA program output appears in the file specified on Line 1 of the input file. If the program terminated abnormally, then the reason for abnormal termination will appear in this file. Reasons for abnormal termination are: 1 Marginal distribution is not available (user input was not one of the integers listed above) 2 User input exceeded the maximum number of autocorrelation lags that the ARTA program will match (given above) 3 Input parameter is infeasible for the specified distribution 4 One or more input autocorrelations does not lie between the minimum and maximum feasible bivariate correlations for the specified marginal distribution 5 The correlation matrix implied by the specified autocorrelations is not positive definite. 6 The AR process is not stationary. 7 Numerical integration failed (computations too intensive). 8 Numerical integration failed (computations too intensive). 9 Number of points in empirical c.d.f. exceeds the program's limit. REFERENCES 1 Cario, M. and B.L. Nelson. 1995. Autoregressive to anything: Time-series input processes for simulation. Operations Research Letters, forthcoming. 2 Swain, J.J., Venkatraman, S., and J.R. Wilson. 1988. Least-squares estimation of distribution functions in Johnson's translation system. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 29, 271-297.