Graduate Students
Doctoral Students
- Joseph Czyzyk (1994), “Interior Point Methods for solving stochastic linear programs,” (co-advisor with Robert Fourer at Northwestern University).
- Robert A. Stubbs (1997), “A branch and cut method for 0-1 mixed convex programming.” (at Northwestern University), INFORMS Nicholson Award (Honorary Mention)
- Jen-Shan Wang, “Interior point methods for generalized network problems.” (incomplete dissertation after 6 years at Northwestern University.)
- Amarnath Banerjee (1998), “A Virtual reality telecollaboration environment for decision analysis using intelligent objects,” (co-advisor with P. Banerjee at UIC). Presently an Associate Professor at Texas A&M
- Jonathan H. Owen (1998), “Disjunctive approaches for solving general mixed-integer linear programs.” (at Northwestern University). Presently a GM-Fellow.
- A. Akgunduz (2001), “Collision Detection for fast moving objects,” (co-advisor with P. Banerjee at UIC).
- Zhifeng Li (2005), “Lattice Basis Reduction and Mixed Integer Convex Programming.” Presently at Fennie and Freddie Mac.
- Gokhan Ozevin (2005), “Decomposition Based Interior-Point Methods for Two-Stage Stochastic Convex Conic Programming with Recourse” Presently a Senior Consultant.
- Reuben Thomas (2006), “Inference of Regulatory Interactions in Genetic Systems,” Presently at UC Berkley (Senior Post Doc/Research Assistant Professor)
- Huanyuan Sheng, “Could not complete his dissertation after 5 years of study.”
- Michael Chen (2008), “Solving Static and Dynamic Stochastic Optimization Problem Via Sparse Grid and Interior Point Methods and Complexity Analysis” Presently an Assistant Professor at York University, Canada
- Jonathan Turner (2011), Title: “Overcoming obstacles to resident-patient continuity of care and optimal allocation of operating room experiences.” (co-advisor, primary chair/advisor: Mark Daskin). Awarded IEMS Nemhauser Dissertation Award. Also, INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR award.
- Jian Hu, (2011), “Concepts, Analyses, and Applications of Multivariate Stochastic Dominance.” Awarded McCormick Terminal Year Fellowship. (co-advisor, Tito Homem-de-Mello). Presently Assistant Professor at University of Michigan, Dearborn.
- Kuo-Ling Huang (2012), “Improving Solvability of Continuous and Mixed Integer Convex Optimization Problems Using Interior Approaches”
- Ashley Davis (2013), “Addressing Geographic Disparity in Kidney Transplant.”
- He Zhang (2014), Tentative Title: “"Distributionally Robust Optimization Models and Process Mining in Healthcare Systems,” Management School, University of Southern Florida.
- Kibaek Kim (2014), "Predictive Modeling and Stochastic Optimization in Healthcare,” Awarded IEMS Nemhauser Best Paper Award, Argonne National Lab.
- Changhyeok Lee (2015), "Power System Operation and Planning Under Uncertainty with Robust Optimization,” Sears
- Brittany Bogle (2015), "Accurate Lifetime Risk Assessment of Sudden Cardiac Death and Methods for Generating Synthetic Data for Predicting Privacy using Optimization,” UNC
- Liwen Ouyang (2015 expected) (co-advisor, Daniel Apley)
- Vikram Kilambi (2017 expected)
- Cassandra Hall (2018 expected)
- Fengqiao Lou (2018 expected)
Postdoctoral Fellow Supervision
- Jun Ma (2006)
- Jian Hu (2010-2011)
- David Papp (2011-12)
- Kuo-Ling Huang (2012-)
- Utku Koc (2012-2015)
- Ilya Mikhelson (2013-)
- Yun Li (2013-2014)
- Liang Liu (2014- )
- Manish Bansal (2014- )
Masters of Manufacturing Engineering Students
- Michael J. Muilenburg (1990). “Improving Manufacturing Flexibility through Setup Reduction.”
- Edward Francis (1992). “Strategic Performance Evaluation Systems.”
Undergraduate Honor’s Project Supervision
- Andrew Armacost (1989). “A computational comparison of the network simplex method with the dual affine scaling method.”
- Robert Sontoso (1998). “Using Markovitz Model in Efficient Portfolio Selection with limited number of securities.”
- Arif Onrusal (2000). “A Research and Information Tool for Corporate Information.”
- Vidya Nageshwaran (2002). “Understanding the Market Crash: Before and After.”