
Sanjay Mehrotra Sanjay Mehrotra

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL

Email: mehrotra [at] iems [dot] northwestern [dot] edu
Phone: (847) 491-3155
Fax: (847) 491-8005
Office: Room C246, Technological Institute,
2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208



Sanjay Mehrotra is a Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences department at the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University. He is an expert in Optimization area. He is developing novel applications of these techniques in healthcare engineering. His recent research and teaching focus is in Optimization methods and models under data uncertainty. More specifically, his research has focused on stochastic optimization, optimization with stochastic dominance, and robust optimization.

The problems he studies may involve multiple decision makers who have different goals and may provide imprecise data for model specifications.  The decisions may be expressed as either real or integer variables, and the requirements may be expressed as deterministic or random constraints. While he is leading the use of such methodologies for improvements in healthcare, other application areas that benefit from his research include energy systems, public policy, logistics and transportation, business management, finance, and design. 

Mehrotra’s work involves both predictive and descriptive modeling of systems, as well as algorithmic analysis of these models. To implement the models, he uses large scale computing.   His approach, dubbed the “Mehrotra Predictor-Corrector Method,” is quite popular for solving optimization problems involving continuous variables.  By using novel risk adjusted multiple objective models his research team recently demonstrated that the New York and Chicago cities are not adequately funded under the US Urban Area Security Initiative program.  The study results, coincidently released just prior to the May 2010 failed New York bombing attempt, received immediate media attention. 

Mehrotra’s research team worked with Northwestern University’s Department of Surgery and found that the current training requirements imposed by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education to train the US medical residents are not being met -- research which suggests that a shift in the national educational approach may be necessary.  He is working with transplant physicians on problems of geographical disparities resulting from ad hoc policies in the national organ allocation programs.  He is also collaborating with the medical informatics group on medical record access policies, and with the hospital medicine group to improve hospital operational efficiency.  

Professor Mehrotra earned his Ph.D. in Operations Research from Columbia University in 1986. He was a vice-chair of the INFORMS optimization section on computational optimization and software, a co-director of the Optimization Technology Center at Northwestern University and Argonne National Research Lab. He is the department editor for Optimization for the journal IIE Transactions. He is on the editorial board of Operations Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Operations Research, Intl. Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, and a co-coordinator for optimization-online. Previously he has served on the editorial boards of Mathematical Programming, International Journal on Modelling. He has been the vice-president of chapter/fora and the member of Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences. He is well known for his predictor-corrector method in continuous optimization. Mehrotra’s research is published in journals such as Mathematical Programming, Mathematics of Operations Research, Operations Research, Computational Optimization and Applications, Journal of Global Optimization, INFORMS J. on Computing, Bioinformatics, J. of Global Optimization, SIAM J.OPT., SIAM Journal on Computing, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Analyst, and BMC BioInformatics.

His work is funded by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, the Department of Energy, and the National Institute of Health.