Miscellaneous Publications
The following list contains links to sources for
publications that may be available online. In general, journal publications
require a subscription to the journal or service such as JSTOR or ProQuest. The
link may direct you to a login page (e.g., for recent INFORMS publications and
Springer journals). In those cases, retrieving the article will require a login
and then search.
- J.R. Birge, F. Louveaux, Introduction
to Stochastic Programming, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1997.
- J.R. Birge, K.G. Murty, eds.,
Mathematical Programming: State of the Art, University of
Michigan, 1994.
- J.R. Birge, R. J-B Wets,
eds., Annals of
Operations Research, Vols. 30/31, Stochastic Programming,
J.C. Balzer AG, Basel, 1991.
Chapters in Books:
- J.R.Birge, “An L-Shaped
Method Computer Code for Multi-Stage Stochastic Linear Programs,” in Numerical
Methods in Stochastic Programming, R. Wets and Y. Ermoliev, eds,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988, Chapter 12, pp. 255-266.
- J.R.Birge, “The Relationship
between the L-Shaped Method and Dual Basis Factorization for Stochastic
Linear Programming,” in Numerical Methods in Stochastic Programming,
R. Wets and Y. Ermoliev, eds, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988, Chapter 13,
pp. 267-272.
- J.R.Birge, “Exhaustible
Resource Models with Uncertain Returns from Exploration Investment,” in Numerical
Methods in Stochastic Programming, R. Wets and Y. Ermoliev, eds,
Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 1988, Chapter 27, pp. 481-488.
- J.R. Birge, “Real-Time
Adaptive Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” in J. White, ed., Current
Research in the Movement, Storage, and Control of Material, Volume 1,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989, pp. 249-256.
- J.R. Birge and J.M. Mulvey, “Stochastic Programming in Industrial
Engineering,” Mathematical
Programming for Industrial Engineers, edited by M. Avriel and B.
Golany, Dekker, 1996, pp. 543-574.
- J.R. Birge, S.M. Pollock, and L. Qi, “A
Quadratic Recourse Function for the Two-Stage Stochastic Program,” in: Progress II in
Optimization: Contributions from Australasia, X. Yang, ed., Kluwer
Academic Publisher, Nowell, MA, USA, 1999.
Articles in refereed journals, transactions or archives
- J.C. Bean, J.R. Birge. “Reducing Travel Costs
and Player Fatigue in the NBA,” Interfaces 10 (1980)
- J.R. Birge, “The Value of the Stochastic
Solution in Stochastic Linear Programs, with Fixed Recourse,” Mathematical
Programming 24 (1982) 314-325.
- J.R. Birge, and Akli Gana, “Computational
Complexity of Van der Heyden's Variable Dimension Algorithm and
Dantzig-Cottle's Principal Pivoting Method for Solving LCP's,” Mathematical
Programming 26 (1983) 205-214.
- J.R. Birge, “Redistricting to Maximize the
Preservation of Political Boundaries,” Social
Science Research 12 (1983) 205-214
- J.R. Birge, V. Malyshko and V. Pedhko, “Optimization
of the Structure of a Field of Solar Energy Heliostats,” (in Russian), Geliotekhnika,
1984 (3) pp. 49-52, translated as “Optimizing the Structure of a Heliostat
Array Control System in a Solar Electric Power Station,” in Applied
Solar Energy 20 (1985) 54-56.
- J.R. Birge, and V. Malyshko, “Methods for a
Network Design Problem in Solar Power Systems,” Computers
and Operations Research 10 (1985) 125-138.
- J.R. Birge, and Robert L. Smith, “Random
Procedures for Nonredundant Constraint Identification in Stochastic Linear
Programs,” The American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences,
(special issue on Statistics in Optimization) 4 (1984) 41-70.
- J.R. Birge, “Decomposition
and Partitioning Methods for Multi-Stage Stochastic Linear Programs,” Operations
Research 33 (1985) 989-1007.
- J.R. Birge, “Aggregation in Stochastic Linear
Programming,” Mathematical
Programming 31 (1985) 25-41.
- J.R. Birge, “A Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition
Variant Equivalent to Basis Factorization,” Mathematical
Programming Study 24 (1985) 43-64.
- J.R. Birge, and R. J-B. Wets, “Designing
Approximation Schemes for Stochastic Optimization Problems, in particular,
for Stochastic Programs with Recourse,” Mathematical
Programming Study 27 (1986) 54-102.
- J.R. Birge and S.W. Wallace, “Refining Bounds
for Stochastic Linear Programs with Linearly Transformed Independent
Random Variables,” Operations
Research Letters 5 (1986) 73-77.
- J.R. Birge and R. J-B Wets, “Computing Bounds
for Stochastic Programming Problems by Means of a Generalized Moment
Problem,” Mathematics
of Operations Research 12 (1987) 49-162.
- J.C. Bean, J.R. Birge, and R.L. Smith, “Aggregation
in Dynamic Programming,” Operations Research 35 (1987) 215-220.
- J.R. Birge and F. Louveaux, “A Multicut
Algorithm for Two-Stage Stochastic Linear Programs,” European
Journal of Operational Research 34 (1988) 384-392.
- J.R. Birge and S.W. Wallace, “A Separable
Piecewise Linear Upper Bound for Stochastic Linear Programs,” SIAM Journal on
Control and Optimization 26 (1988) 725-739.
- J.R. Birge and R. J-B Wets, “Sublinear Upper
Bounds for Stochastic Programs with Recourse,” Mathematical
Programming 43 (1989) 131-149.
- J.R. Birge and L. Qi, “Computing
Block-Angular Karmarkar Projections with Applications to Stochastic
Programming,” Management Science 34 (1988) 1472-1479.
- J.R. Birge and M. Teboulle, “Upper Bounds on
the Expected Value of a Convex Function using Subgradient and Conjugate
Function Information,” Mathematics
of Operations Research 14 (1989)745-759.
- J.R. Birge and K.D. Glazebrook, “Assessing the
Effects of Machine Breakdowns in Stochastic Scheduling,” Operations
Research Letters 7 (1988) 267-271.
- J.R. Birge and S.M. Pollock, “Modeling
Rural Police Patrol,” Journal of the Operational Research Society
40 (1989) 41-54.
- J.R. Birge and S.M. Pollock, “Using
Parallel Iteration for Approximate Analysis of a Multiple Server Queueing
System,” Operations Research 37 (1989) 769-779.
- J.R. Birge, H. Frenk, J. Mittenthal, and A.
Rinnooy Kan, “Single Machine Scheduling subject to Machine Breakdowns,” Naval Research
Logistics Journal 37 (1990) 661-677.
- J.C. Bean, J.R. Birge, J. Mittenthal, and C.E.
Noon, “Matchup
Scheduling with Multiple Resources, Release Dates and Disruptions,” Operations
Research 39 (1991) 470-483.
- J.R. Birge and J. Dulá, “Bounding Separable
Recourse Functions with Limited Distribution Information,” Annals of
Operations Research 30 (1991) 277-298.
- J.R. Birge, R. M. Freund, and R. Vanderbei, “Prior
Reduced Fill-in in the Solution of Equations in Interior Point Algorithms,”
Research Letters 11 (1992) 195-198.
- J. R. Birge and Liqun Qi, “Semiregularity and
Generalized Subdifferentials with Applications to Stochastic Programming,”
of Operations Research 4 (1993) 982-1005.
- J. C. Arantes, J. R. Birge and K. G. Murty, “Studies
of Lexicography in the Generalized Network Simplex Method,” Annals of
Operations Research 47 (1993) 237-248.
- J.R. Birge and J.K. Ho, “Optimal
Flows in Stochastic Dynamic Networks with Congestion,” Operations
Research 41 (1993) 203-216.
- J.R. Birge and Liqun Qi, “Subdifferentials Convergence
in Stochastic Programs,” SIAM J.
Optimization 5 (1995) 436-453.
- J.R. Birge and D. Holmes, “Efficient Solution
of Two-Stage Stochastic Linear Programs using Interior Point Methods,'' Computational
Optimization and Applications 1 (1992) 245-276.
- J.R. Birge and M.A.H. Dempster, “Optimal
Match-Up Strategies in Stochastic Scheduling“, Discrete Applied
Mathematics 57 (1995) 105-120.
- J.R. Birge, “Models and Modeling Value in
Stochastic Programming,” Annals of Operations
Research 59 (1995) 1-18.
- J.R. Birge and Liqun Qi, “Continuous
Approximation Schemes for Stochastic Programming,” Annals of
Operations Research 56 (1995), pp. 15-38.
- J.R. Birge and M.J. Maddox, “Bounds
on Expected Project Tardiness,” Operations Research 43 (1995)
- J.R. Birge and C.H. Rosa, “Modelling
Investment Uncertainty in the Costs of Global CO2 Emission Policy,” European
Journal of Operations Research 83 (1995) 466-488.
- J.R. Birge and C. H. Rosa, “Incorporating
Investment Uncertainty into Greenhouse Policy Models,” The Energy
Journal 17 (1996) 79-90. (Access through Expanded Academic ASAP.)
- J.R. Birge and C.H. Rosa, “Parallel
Decomposition of Large-scale Stochastic Nonlinear Programs,” Annals of
Operations Research 64 (1996) 39-65.
- J.R. Birge, C.J. Donohue, D.F. Holmes, and O.G.
Svintsiski, “A Parallel Implementation of the Nested Decomposition
Algorithm for Multistage Stochastic Linear Programs,” Mathematical
Programming 75 (1996) 327-352.
- S. Takriti, J.R. Birge, and E. Long, “ A
Stochastic Model for the Unit Commitment Problem,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems 11, No. 3 (1996) 1497--1508.
- J.R. Birge and C.H. Rosa, “Incorporating
Investment Uncertainty into Greenhouse Policy Models,” The Energy
Journal 17 (1996) 79-90.
- J.R. Birge and M.A.H. Dempster, “Stochastic Programming
Approaches to Stochastic Scheduling,” Journal of Global
Optimization 9 (1996) 417-451.
- J.R. Birge and C.J. Donohue, “ An
Upper Bound on a Specific Class of Convex Functions,” Operations
Research Letters 18 (1996) 213-221.
- J.R. Birge and Tang Hengyong, “Computing
Karkarkar's Projections Quickly by Using Matrix Factorization,” Applied
Mathematics - Journal of Chinese Universities 11 (1996) 355-360.
- J.R. Birge, L. Qi, and Z. Wei, “A
General Approach to Convergence Properties of Some Methods for Nonsmooth
Convex Optimization,” Applied Mathematics and Optimization 38
(1998), pp. 141-158.
- Z. Wei, L. Qi, and J.R.
Birge, “A New Method For Nonsmooth Convex Optimization,” Journal
of Inequalities and Applications, 2 (1998), pp. 157-179.
- J.R. Birge and K.D. Glazebrook, “Bounds
on Optimal Values in Stochastic Scheduling,” Operations Research
Letters 21 (1997) 107-114.
- J.R. Birge, “Stochastic Programming Computation
and Applications: State-of-the-Art Survey,” INFORMS
Journal on Computing 9 (1997) 111-133.
- Z. Wei, J.R. Birge, and L. Qi, “Convergence
Analysis Of Some Methods For Minimizing A Nonsmooth Convex Function,” Journal
of Optimization Theory and Applications 97 (1998), pp. 357-383.
- S. Takriti and J.R. Birge, “Successive
Approximations of Linear Control Models,” SIAM Journal on Control
and Optimization 37 (1998), pp.
- J.R. Birge, J. Drogosz, and I. Duenyas, “Setting
Single-Period Optimal Capacity Levels and Prices for Substitutable
Products,” Int. J. Flexible Manufacturing Systems 10 (1998),
pp. 407-430.
- H.B. Nembhard and J.R.
Birge, “A
Startup Procedure for Process Industries using a Multiobjective Nonlinear
Program,” IIE Transactions 4
(1998), pp. 291-300.
- J.R. Birge and R. Zhang, “Risk-Neutral Option
Pricing Methods for Adjusting Constrained Cash Flows,” The Engineering
Economist 44 (1999), pp. 36-49.
- S. Takriti and J.R. Birge, “Lagrangian
Solution Techniques and Bounds for Loosely-Coupled Mixed-Integer
Stochastic Programs,”Operations Research 48 (2000), pp.
- S. Takriti and J.R. Birge, “Using
Integer Programming To Refine Lagrangian-Based Unit Commitment Solutions,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 15 (2000), pp. 151-156.
- J.R. Birge, L. Qi, and Z. Wei, “A
Variant Of The Topkis-Veinott Method For Solving Inequality Constrained
Optimization Problems,” Applied Mathematics and Optimization 41(2000),
pp. 309-330.
- X.D. Qi, G. Yin, and
J.R. Birge, “Single-Machine Scheduling with Random Machine Breakdowns and
Randomly Compressible Processing Times,” Stochastic
Analysis and Applications
18 (2000), pp. 635-653.
- C. Supatgiat, R.Q.
Zhang, and J.R. Birge, “Equilibrium
Values in a Competitive Power Exchange Market,” Computational Economics 17 (2001), pp. 93-121.
- X.D. Qi, G. Yin, and
J.R. Birge, “Scheduling Problems with Random Processing Times under
Expected Earliness/Tardiness Costs,”
Analysis and Applications 18 (2000), pp. 453-473.
- L. Dai, C.H. Chen, and
J.R. Birge, “Convergence
Properties of Two-Stage Stochastic Programming,” Journal of
Optimization Theory and Applications 106 (2000), pp. 489-509.
- S. Sen, J.L. Higle, and
J.R. Birge, “Duality
Gaps in Stochastic Integer Programming,” Journal of Global
Optimization 18 (2000), pp. 189-194.
- J.R. Birge, “Option
Methods for Incorporating Risk into Linear Capacity Planning Models,” Manufacturing
and Service Operations Management 2 (2000), pp. 19-31.
- X.D. Qi, G. Yin, and
J.R. Birge, “Single-Machine
Scheduling with Randomly Compressible Processing Times,” Stochastic Analysis and Applications 20 (2002), pp. 591-613.
- T. Shiina and J.R.
Birge, “Stochastic Unit Commitment Problem,” International
Transactions in Operations Research 10 (2003), to appear.
- T. Shiina and J.R.
Birge, “Multistage Stochastic Programming Model for Electric Power
Capacity Expansion Problem,” Japan Journal
of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 20 (2003), pp. 379-397.
This page was last modified on 12Sep03. Send questions to jrbirge@northwestern.edu.