1.) Read section 4.8 about problem C. On page 118 it says that it has an integer solution because it can be formulated as a network flow problem. Specify the network flow formulation. Draw the network. What are the nodes and links? What are the costs and bounds on flow across the links? 2.) 4.19 Though for part b, change "nine" to 8. 3.) 4.36 Yue pointed out at that the problem statement is a bit confusing. For each k you want to minimize the cost to satisfy priorities 1 through k. Row 1 of the table means that a single sports ad reaches 3000 young women, a news ad 6000, and a plot ad 7000 of them (the other rows are similar but for young men and the elderly, respectively). I'd like you to generate a chart with k on the x-axis and on the y-axis the minimum cost necessary to satisfy goals 1-k. 4.) 4.32